Cosmetic Dentistry in Tampa

Are you tired of feeling self-conscious about the look of your smile? At Mangrove Bay Dentistry, we offer a wide range of professional cosmetic dentistry options to give you the smile you've always wanted!

Dr. Toan Tran is a highly qualified restorative dentist who has completed advanced clinical training in some of the most prestigious advanced dental education programs in the country. He offers a full range of restorative and cosmetic dental treatments, and has expertise in treatment planning complex oral health problems to provide you with a beautiful and functional smile that you'll be proud to show off.

What is Cosmetic Dentistry?

Cosmetic dentistry describes the group of dental services that are designed to improve the aesthetic appearance of your smile. Cosmetic dentistry procedures may be as simple as removing stains with professional teeth whitening, or as complex as full mouth restoration with dental implants.

At Mangrove Bay Dentistry, we know how life-changing it can be to have a smile you feel confident in, and we think all our patients deserve a beautiful smile. Dr. Tran will work with you to understand your smile goals and develop a treatment plan for your unique needs and budget. Our staff will make sure you are comfortable throughout your procedures and that you are completely satisfied with your results.

Our Cosmetic Dental Procedures

At Mangrove Bay Dentistry, we offer a range of restorative and cosmetic dental procedures including:

Complete Dental Care Services

At Mangrove Bay Dentistry, we may need to repair the structure of your tooth before performing a cosmetic procedure. Because Dr. Tran has expertise in endodontics, he can perform any needed root canal therapy in the comfort of his own office. You will immediately be provided with a provisional restoration while your custom restoration is created by his preferred dental lab or highly skilled dental ceramist. If you have significant acid erosion of your dental enamel, he may even be able to restore your teeth conservatively with veneers and onlays. No matter the condition of your teeth, Dr. Tran will be able to help you understand all your options and get the care you need.

Complimentary Cosmetic Dentistry Consultation

We offer a complimentary initial consultation or second opinion consultation for many of our extensive dentistry procedures including ClearCorrect orthodontics, dental implant treatment, full mouth restoration, and smile makeovers. To learn more or to schedule an appointment, call us today at (813) 544-6778

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