Full Mouth Restoration in Tampa, FL

Many individuals have multiple, complex oral health problems, and it can feel overwhelming to think about fixing them. We also see many patients that have had previous treatment somewhere else, with disappointing results.

Dr. Toan Tran is experienced in solving complex oral health problems and restoring the appearance and health of your smile. When you come into our office, he will provide you with a comprehensive diagnosis and treatment plan to address the root problems of your oral health issues and help you achieve your smile goals. He has advanced postdoctoral training in facially generated treatment planning and treatment sequencing that allows him to achieve predictable results for optimal health, function, comfort, and aesthetics.

Full mouth restoration at our Tampa Bay-Clearwater area practice will allow you to achieve a beautiful and natural-looking smile and restore your confidence. Dr. Tran will use modern technology, such as digital x-rays, intra-oral photos, and dental models to create a personalized treatment plan for you. He will walk you through the process, discuss all your options and the pros and cons of various procedures, and help you choose the right procedures for you.

What Is a Full Mouth Restoration?

By combining multiple procedures, Dr. Tran can fully restore the look of your smile and your dental function. This process is also referred to as "full mouth reconstruction" and "whole mouth rehabilitation." Oftentimes extensive dentistry, like full mouth restoration, can be done in affordable phases or financed through your credit card or Care Credit.

There are numerous procedures Dr. Tran may recommend based on your needs including:

  • Periodontal treatment to combat gum infection
  • Bite splint therapy to treat TMD and stabilize your jaw joints
  • Orthodontics to align your teeth
  • Root canals to remove infection from tooth roots
  • Porcelain crowns to restore damaged, decayed and worn teeth
  • Removable prosthetics or dental implant supported crowns, bridges, or more extensive dentures to replace missing teeth
  • Tooth colored composite fillings
  • Porcelain onlays, inlays, or veneers
  • and more

Benefits of Full Mouth Restoration

Full mouth restoration can have significant advantages for your overall health and quality of life. First, dental restoration can prevent further tooth loss and damage. If you have missing teeth and include implants as part of your treatment, they can also prevent jawbone degeneration. Second, restoration can allow you to eat, speak, and smile normally again. By repairing your bite alignment and balance, restoration can also reduce your risk for bruxism and TMJ Disorder. Finally, the combined procedures can enhance your appearance, restore your self-confidence, and end the embarrassment you feel with your current smile.

At Mangrove Bay Dentistry, we believe that every patient should have access to the highest standard of care and that you deserve comfort, health, function, and confidence from your smile. Our comprehensive full mouth restoration plans can help solve your underlying dental problems and give you a smile you'll be proud to share!

Schedule a Complimentary Consultation

To learn more about full mouth restoration and to find out which procedures might be right for you, schedule a complimentary initial consultation! Call us today at (813) 544-6778

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